Strategic Partnerships with Big Companies
Recently, our company has been fortunate enough to strike deals with channel partners that should help us in our quest to become the "Starbucks of
San Diego Housing Market: Strategic Default, Foreclosures, and Ethics
“What I do find troubling, however, is that most banks took billions of dollars from the taxpayers to shore up their own balance sheet, while now trying to emotionally beat up the taxpayers who, in effect, bailed them out to begin with. ”
Brian Tracy Seminar Taught Me How To Delegate Effectively
I attended a 3-day workshop with business coaching expert, Brian Tracy. I learned a lot, including this tip on time management – a necessary leadership
Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make – Hire Right
Here's a good article from Neil Patel (co-founder of KISSMetrics). He interviewed a few successful entrepreneurs that had built businesses worth at least $50 million
Congrats on the great job. Now, back to work.
…As we continue to expand, I encourage you to master your current position and begin to prepare yourself – at work and on your own watch – for the position you want to grow into. It will be those who continue to require more of themselves who will be the ones that naturally rise up. Will it be you?

Seeking Venture Funding? Have a Clear Understanding of your Financials
Recently, I've discovered the blog of Robert Ochtel. He's an author and a serial entrepreneur with over 25 years experience. He's also raised over $50

Do Web Entrepreneurs Still Need Venture Capitalists?
Image via CrunchBase There's an interesting article and comment thread going on over at the New York Times on whether web entrepreneurs need VC's like

TakeLessons featured in San Diego Union Tribune Sunday Edition
The Union Tribune ran a story on young web start-ups in San Diego and what they are doing to make the most out of the
Escape from your cubicle and start your own company
Here is a great interview between Guy Kawasaki and Pamela Slim I found on American Express OPEN forum. It's worth reading by anyone fed up