Steven Cox

Lesson from Vegas: Details Count

I am absolutely blown away by the quality of the product and the sensitivity of the staff, and the detail throughout the resort. It made me think about our site, and wonder what else we could do NOW to improve the detail, and give our users a better experience. Here is the list I came up with:

Folksonomy and Social Tagging Grids

Over the next few months, we are going to be a living experiment in converting a hierarchical site to a more circular tagging site. We realize that we cannot possibly keep up with the ever-changing creative outlets that our users want to learn about. What we believe is that over time, our users (who are the experts) will tell us how things should be organized, and we will use that data to develop tighter social graphs, more relevant search results, and a more fluid overall experience.

.NET to LINUX conversion

“The initial results are showing that our site is running about 60% faster now. Here is a comparison chart of three main pages of our site and the size before and after. Overall, it’s a 25% savings site-wide on performance.”